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Breyer Prioritises Inspiring Young Talent

19 January 2023
Front of Ellen Wilkinson School

The difficulties faced by companies in construction to recruit new talent is well documented. For some time, Breyer has been facing this challenge head on through apprenticeships, training and job fairs. We’re now widening our approach by inspiring younger talent to consider construction careers with a view to further future-proofing our industry.

As one of the leading property services companies in London, Breyer has a number of contracts across the capital. So, when an opportunity came to speak to primary school pupils in Beckton about jobs in the construction industry, we were only too happy to help.

To some, it may seem a little early to be encouraging potential new talent to consider their future career but Roofing Operations Manager for Breyer, Lee Furbank, believes differently:

“While we’re also speaking to secondary schools about delivering careers talks to sixth formers, I think it’s just as important to inspire younger children to start considering careers in construction, like those at Ellen Wilkinson Primary School. We need to commit to these talks at all age levels to future proof our industry and I’m passionate about seeing that happen.”

Sue Ferguson, Head Teacher of Ellen Wilkinson Primary School, supports this view and shares her experience of the impact that Careers Talks can have on Primary School children:

“We created ‘Up & Out’ week as we wanted to put a greater focus on inspiring children about the myriad of opportunities that the world can offer them. We really appreciate the time and commitment that Breyer provided in supporting this. They really helped open our children’s minds to the possibilities that await them.”

Not only do the Careers Talks encourage children to think more widely about the opportunities available to them after school, they also help to instill greater confidence in the children regarding their ability to secure these opportunities. One child at Ellen Wilkinson Primary School said after the Careers Talks:

“They have helped me believe that I can be what I want to be.”

For more information about Breyer and our approach to encouraging new talent into the Construction Industry, please contact [email protected].