Celebrating our Apprentices’ Success this National Apprenticeship Week
As a business, Breyer is committed to helping young people access and progress in careers within the property industry. As part of this, we regularly offer apprenticeships for a variety of roles within the Breyer Group. Thanks to the support and commitment of Breyer...
Breyer Joins Growing Talent
We’re joining social mobility programme Growing Talent to make job opportunities with Breyer more accessible to those whose CV, if they even have one, does little to promote their natural skills. The Growing Talent programme, devised and run by JJC Ltd, offers...
Breyer Prioritises Inspiring Young Talent
The difficulties faced by companies in construction to recruit new talent is well documented. For some time, Breyer has been facing this challenge head on through apprenticeships, training and job fairs. We’re now widening our approach by inspiring younger...
Breyer to Help Lambeth Decarbonise Homes
Our Renew team is preparing to deliver £3.6million worth of decarbonisation improvements for Lambeth Council. With the cost of living going up, it couldn’t be a better time for the residents benefitting from the associated increase in energy efficiency. The Lambeth...
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